Friday, October 23, 2009

Jumping for Joy

I hope so....because....wait for it.....dh said he found a trampoline. I mean a real trampoline, the ones they made before the little round jumping mats were made. Kinda brining up a blast from the past for me. Now I don't have a lot of talent (at least not discovered) but one thing I was good as was trampolining.

When I was about 9 my Mum allowed me to do gymnastics. Then one day a coach from York, England turned up at our YMCA looking for some kids to train. Well, I had bugged my Mum & Dad relentless for a trampoline for what seemed like years....remember when those years went so so so so so slowly, every year was like a lifetime. One day they took us out and guess where we went....we were looking for trampolines. They actually bought one. Now my Mum & Dad didn't buy much....both having been thru the war, they were avid collectors. Both of my Dad's cars he owned turned vintage before he even sold them. Mum kept everything, in case it was good for something. We didn't waste a thing. If anything broke, Dad fixed it.

So I got a trampoline. And I bounced, and I bounced, and I bounced. Yep, when I came home from school. That's all I did. I really don't remember doing anything much other than going out and riding my bike round the neighbourhood.

By the time the coach came looking for prospective trampolinists ironically just a month later, I had already taught myself all the basic moves, and a front somersault from a book I borrowed from the library. I was chosen, to trampoline. But not without sacrifice. For a little while I was the happiest kid in the world, at the Y 3 days a week, bouncing, flipping, bouncing, turning, bouncing, flying thru the air. I was preparing for my first gymnastic competion, and was very excited.....until....

Mum said I had to chose.....tramp or gym. I couldn't believe she would do such a thing. Choosing between the only 2 favourite things in the world for me. Well, I figured tramp was 2 days and gym only the trampoline won. It was a good choice.

OK, now I really can't boast much about the success I had trampolining. My first competition I came 4th, then it was 3rd, but after that it was 1st every time....on to the State...the 1st year I came 3rd (I remember I was actually too young but they let me compete anyway). Again 1st every year. But for what others trained weeks for, I always did my 2 nights a week. No special treatment. I waited what seemed like all night for my turn to come around for another 5 minutes of fear and flight, as my coach pushed me on. My talent, just like breathing, came naturally.

My only Australia win was in the open synchronised competition, 1977.

I wondered as I grew older, and knew I would soon be leaving school, what would happen to my tramping. I knew it couldn't go on. The thought of losing my trampoline was like losing my best friend. And it did end like that....due to conflicts over the scheduled World Championships coming up in Hawaai, my Mum pulled me out of the last Australian competition. I was sure I'd win. School finally finished, so did college, first job, I moved out, then away.

The last visit to my parents house was when my first son was 4 months old. I anticipated for months, opening the sliding door, running down the patio, and into the air, flying free. I was so excited, when I finally got home, I went to the back door, and there was a big, empty back yard. Only grass. The trampoline was gone.

So dh said he'd bring this trampoline home....dare I wait. Maybe once more I'll jump for joy.....

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